Daily Devotional

Exercising Your Full Potential

Saturday, March 30, 2024
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Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 1 Cor. 13:12, NIV.

Six months pregnant is an exciting time in a couple’s life, especially with the first child. Together my husband and I are experiencing the development of our new little person. The intensity of our relationship with the baby is growing as the baby exercises its expanding capabilities each day.

The first several weeks and months of pregnancy are a blur of emotions, hormones, and questions. Next one eagerly awaits the unknown moment of first detectable movement. Finally it happens, and with each passing day the sensation of life within becomes stronger.

The baby must continue to explore its little cocoon of a world in order to develop its muscles, nerves, circulatory systems, and other body parts fully. In essence it must experience itself fully, completely at every stage of its maturation.

Just as our baby can’t control much of its world—what I eat or drink and how much rest and activity I get—we may feel limited by our circumstances, especially as we think about reaching out and witnessing to others. But just as the growing baby in the womb has an opportunity to stretch its arms, legs, feet, and fingers and to discover itself with all its potential, so do we as Christians. What will we do in our environment, our little sphere of service? Will we reach out our arms and legs and touch others, or will we maintain the status quo?

Just as my husband and I thrill to feel and see the baby growing stronger every day, I wonder if it’s anything like God feels as He watches and experiences with us our spiritual exercise and growth?

Let’s each exercise not only our bodies every day but also our chance to be born of the Holy Spirit. Only then can we reach out, stretching
beyond our comfortable routines and cocoons, touching lives for the kingdom, and in so doing realizing our fullest potential as humans.

Here’s the challenge: Reach out to someone today and share God’s love.

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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