Daily Devotional

I Chose How I Wanted to Feel

Monday, March 11, 2024
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The wrong desires that come into your life aren't anything new and different. . . . And no temptation is irresistible. You can trust God to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it, . . . He will show you how to escape temptation's power. 1 Cor. 10:13, TLB.

As executive director of a Christian ministry made up of thousands of members who take care of one another's medical bills, you would think I would have known better. I was 45 percent overweight, was on three heart medications, was taking pain medication for arthritis, had lower back pain, had reoccurring diverticulosis, was listless, and had shortness of breath. I had one criteria for eating, and that was "How does it taste?"

Finally I admitted that I was powerless in my own strength to change and desperately needed God's help. An acquaintance introduced me to some basic nutritional information that led me to eat only fruits and vegetables for 10 days so as to cleanse my body. My cravings totally changed in that time. Next I made a conscious choice between how I wanted to feel and how I wanted things to taste. Choosing how I wanted to feel, I later discovered new tastes with even greater fulfillment than the old.

Then a friend gave me Counsels on Diet and Foods. I found the book instructive and extremely advanced. I began to see my problem as one of lust of the flesh. I was enslaved to the first inch of my tongue.

Now, 17 months later, I am off all pain and heart medication, am 80 pounds lighter, and have more energy than any time since my college days (I am closer to 60 than 50). Last fall my son and I enjoyed hiking six to eight miles a day. I found myself praising the Lord for a new life and outlook.

Can you see the parallels? After we come to a point where we admit that we are powerless against sin, we turn to a gracious Lord who is ready, willing, and able to change us from the inside out. We repent, enjoy His cleansing, and launch a life based on choices pleasing to Him and best for us. He rewards us by giving us fulfillment and blessings. Then He brings people into our paths to touch us and help us on our way, while also leading us to those we can help.

God is the giver of new life. How can we not adore Him?

Are you choosing how you want things to taste over how you want to feel? Give the 10-day fruit and vegetable diet a chance to reeducate your taste to the delights of God's original diet.

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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